Prayer for Clarity in Decision to Change Jobs
Please give me the Absolute Clarity
to have all the information I need
to make the
best decision in changing jobs.
Please give me the clarity of mind and the courage
to make that decision if it is your will.
Please allow
me to be extremely successful
in my current and future roles so as
to Honor God with the talents he has given me.
Prayer to Saint Walter
St. Walter of Pontoise,
you know my situation at work better than I.
Please take my current
situation into your loving care
and deliver to me an outcome that I can use to glorify God.
All work should be done for the Lord
I don t feel that I m doing that anymore.
Take this request and help me immediately
in my present situation.
Only God knows what s in
store for me.
Please help me with recognizing his signs
to lead me on the path that he intends.
I pray that through your intercession
will help me in finding clarity in my decisions,
so that I may Glorify God as I should.
In Jesus name I pray for a quick resolution
to my problem.