For a Graduation
Gracious God, we give you thanks for all schools, colleges,
and universities and for those who teach and
those who learn.
Bless our students who have completed
this current course in their education.
Be with them as they embark
on the next
stage of their life s journey
and grant them many opportunities for sound learning,
new discoveries, and the pursuit of wisdom.
And may
all their questioning bring them ever closer to you,
the source of all truth; through Jesus Christ our Lord.
(Anne Kitch)
Graduation Prayer
I have knowledge, so will You show me now,
How to use it wisely and find a way somehow
To make the world I live
in a little better place,
And make life with its problems a little bit easier to face.
Grant me faith and courage and put purpose in
my days,
And show me how to serve Thee in effective ways.
So my education, my knowledge and my skill
May find their true fulfillment
as I learn to do Thy will.
And may I ever be aware in everything I do,
That knowledge comes from learning,
and wisdom comes from You.