A Prayer for Mail Carriers
Dear God
Watch over me as I deliver the mail.
Give me peace as I go through my day.
Grant me wisdom to
make good choices.
Let me always remember the privilege I have
To help with the communication
Of the world you have made.
In your name
I pray.
Postal Worker s Prayer
God, Our Father
May everything we do be First Class.
Imprint your own loving Zip Code upon our hearts.
that we may never go astray.
Provide in your gracious providence
Special Handling
For those of us who are Fragile
And keep us in one piece.
have been
Signed, Sealed, Stamped and Delivered
In your image and likeness,
And we beg you to keep us in your care
As we go about our
Appointed Rounds.
And when our days draw to a close
And we are marked Return to Sender
Be there to greet us at Heaven s door
So that nobody
may ever say
Unknown at This Address.