The chaplet in honor of St. Peregrine, consists of nine beads. The chaplet
is comprised of three sets of three prayers, completed with the recitation of the prayer to St. Peregrine. Intentions may be
made at the beginning or end of the chaplet.
1. Crucifix: Pray an Act of Contrition and/or a Spiritual Communion.
2. First set of 3 beads:
Pray one Our Father on each bead.
3. Second set of 3 beads:
Pray one Hail Mary on each bead.
4. Last set of 3 beads:
Recite the Glory Be on each bead.
5. On the medal of St. Peregrine,
V. Keep us, O Lord,
as the apple of your eye;
R. In the shadow of your wings protect us.
Prayer to St. Peregrine
implore your aid with God in our necessity.
You were converted instantly from a worldly
life by the good example
of one holy person.
You were cured instantaneously of cancer by
God's grace and unceasing prayer. In your
gracious kindness please ask
the Lord to
heal us also in body, mind, and soul. May
we then also imitate you in doing His work
with renewed vigour and strength.
Prayer to Saint Peregrine
O God, in Saint Peregrine
You gave us an outstanding example
Of faith and patience.
We humbly ask
You that by imitating him
And by the help of his prayers,
We believe more fully in Your healing help,
Bear the suffering of this life
without wavering,
And come with joy to the peace of heaven.
We and this through Jesus Christ Our Lord.
Prayer to Saint Peregrine
O great St. Peregrine, you have been
Called The Mighty, The Wonder-
Worker, because of the
Miracles which you have obtained
From God for those who have had
Recourse to you. For so many years
You bore in your own flesh
Cancerous disease that destroys the
Very fiber of our being, and who had
Recourse to the source of all grace
When the power of man
could do no
More. You were favored with the
Vision of Jesus coming down from His
Cross to heal your affliction. Ask of
God and Our Lady
the cure of the sick
Whom we entrust to you
Aided in this way by your powerful
Intercession, we shall sing to God,
Now and for all
eternity, a song of
Gratitude for His great goodness
and mercy.