St. Paul the Apostle
c. AD 5
Tarsus, Cilicia
c. AD 67
Feast Day:
June 29
Saint of:
Writers, authors, the press, publishers & London
Prayer For Patience
O glorious St. Paul, who from
A persecutor of Christianity,
Didst become a most ardent
Apostle of zeal;
and who to
Make known the Savior Jesus Christ
Until the end of the world
Didst suffer with joy
Imprisonment, scourgings,
Stonings, shipwrecks
Persecutions of every kind, and
In the end didst shed thy blood
To the last drop, obtain for us
The grace to receive, as favors
the Divine mercy, infirmities,
Tribulations, and misfortunes
Of the present life, so that the
Vicissitudes of this our exile
Will not
render us cold in the
service of God, but will render
us always more faithful and
more fervent.
St. Paul s First Letter
to the Corrinthians,
If I speak in the languages of
Mortals and angels,
but don t have
I have come sounding brass
Or a clanging cymbal.
If I have the gift of prophecy,
and know all mysteries,
but don t have love,
I am nothing.
If I dole out all my good to feed the poor,
and if I give my body to be burned,
but don t have love,
It profits
me nothing.
Love is patient. Love is kind. Love doesn t envy.
Love doesn t brag, is not proud, is not rude,
Does not demand its
own way, is not resentful,
Doesn t rejoice in unrighteousness but
Rejoices in the truth.
Love bears all things,
Believes all things,
all things,
Endures all things.
Love never fails.