Oraci n en honor de Santa Luc a
Confiar en tu bondad, oh Dios,
Humildemente le pedimos,
A trav s de la intercesi n de Santa
Luc a,
Virgen y m rtir,
Para dar una visi n perfecta a nuestros ojos,
Que sirvan para
Su mayor honor y gloria.
St. Lucy, escucha nuestras oraciones,
Y obtener nuestras peticiones.
Am n.
Oraci n de San Lucy
Santa Luc a, tu hermoso nombre significa luz.
A la luz de la fe que Dios otorga a usted,
aumentar y preservar
esta luz en mi alma
de modo que pueda evitar el mal,
ser celoso en el cumplimiento de las buenas obras,
y aborrecer a nada tanto como
la ceguera
y las tinieblas del mal y del pecado.
Por su intercesi n ante Dios,
obtener para m una visi n perfecta para mis ojos corporales
y la gracia para usarlos
para mayor honra y gloria de Dios
y la salvaci n de todos los hombres.
Santa Luc a, virgen y m rtir,
mis oraciones y obtener mis peticiones.
Am n.
St. Lucy
Honored in:
Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Anglican Communion and Lutheran churches
Feast Day:
December 13
Patron Saint of:
The blind, epidemics, salesmen, throat infections, writers and Syracuse
Prayer In Honor of St. Lucy
Relying on your goodness, O God,
We humbly ask You,
Through the intercession of St. Lucy,
and martyr,
To give perfect vision to our eyes,
That they may serve for
Your greater honor and glory.
St. Lucy, hear our prayers,
And obtain
our petitions.
Prayer of St. Lucy
Saint Lucy, your beautiful name signifies light.
By the light of faith which God bestowed upon you,
and preserve this light in my soul
so that I may avoid evil,
be zealous in the performance of good works,
and abhor nothing so much as
the blindness
and the darkness of evil and of sin.
By your intercession with God,
obtain for me perfect vision for my bodily eyes
the grace to use them
for God's greater honor and glory
and the salvation of all men.
Saint Lucy, virgin and martyr,
hear my prayers
and obtain my petitions.