St. Katharine Drexel
November 26, 1858
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
March 3, 1955
November 20, 1988
October 1, 2000
Feast Day:
March 3
Patron Saint of:
philanthropists and racial justice
Saint Katherine Drexel Prayer
And here is the passive way
to be filled unto the fullness of God.
The passive way I abandon
myself to it,
not in a multiplicity of trials,
extraordinary penances accomplished,
practices of great works
but in peaceful abandonment
to the tenderness of Jesus,
which I must try to imitate,
and by being in constant union with his meek and humble heart.
What likeness
is there between me and my Mother?
Do I try to be like her, in her love for Jesus?
In her devotion for the cause for which he died
the salvation of souls
in her absolute submission to the will of God,
in her patient suffering?
Holy Mary, Mother of God and
my Mother, too,
let me stand at the foot of the cross with you,
to learn its lesson and to learn to be like the Mother of Sorrows.
Prayer of St. Katharine Drexel
Ever-loving God,
you called Saint Katharine Drexel
to teach the message of the Gospel
and to
bring the life of the
Eucharist to the African American
and Native American peoples.
By her prayers and example,
enable us to work for
among the poor and the oppressed,
and keep us undivided in love
in the Eucharistic community of your Church.
Grant this through
our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.