Prayer to St. Juan Diego
For Happy Employment
Dear Juan Diego, please help me find steady employment
that my time and talent may
be devoted to the tasks suited
to my nature and ability. May my hours of toil then, give
fair return and more to him who hires me. May
my work not
be done for mere profit, or just to make a living. Rather,
may it be done to make of myself, one more able to honor the
Creator. May it be done with reverence and appreciation of the
materials, all supplied by God, and only modified by man.
May my work
be done to enjoy the benefits of skilled and
honest craftsmanship. And especially let my work be done
to make known and lead others
to love the same
Lady you serve so well. Through Christ Our Lord,
Prayer to St. Juan Diego
on His Canonization
"Happy Juan Diego, true and faithful man!
We entrust to you our lay brothers and
sisters so that,
feeling the call to holiness, they may imbue every area
of social life with the spirit of the Gospel.
Bless families, strengthen spouses in their marriage,
and sustain the efforts of parents
to give their children a Christian upbringing.
Look with favor
upon the pain of those who are suffering
in body or in spirit, or those afflicted by poverty, loneliness, marginalization or ignorance.
May all people, civic leaders and ordinary citizens,
always act in accordance with the demands of justice
and with respect for the dignity of each person,
so that in this way peace may be reinforced."
--Blessed John Paul II, July 31, 2002
Prayer to St. Juan Diego
You who were chosen by Our Lady of Guadalupe as an instrument to share your Christianity is one of love,
compas-sion, understanding, values, sacrifices, repentance of our sins, appreciation and respect for God s creation, and most of all
one of humility and obedience.
You whom we know is now in the Kingdom of the Lord and close to our Mother.
Be our angel and protect us, stay with us as we struggle in this modern life often not knowing where to set our priorities.
Help us to pray to our God to obtain
the gifts of the Holy spirit and use them for the good of humanity and the good of our Church, through the Heart of Our Lady of Guadalupe
to the Heart of Jesus.