Prayer of St. Helen
O God, the exaltation of the lowly,
who willed that blessed Helen should
excel in the beauty of her charity
patience, grant, through her merits
and intercession, that, carrying
our cross each day, we may always
persevere in love for you.
our Lord Jesus Christ,
your Son, who lives and reigns
with you in the unity of the
Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever.
Prayer to St. Helen
St. Helen, our heavenly patroness,
intercede before the throne
of our God for us
in this parish dedicated
to you,
that we, as a parish,
might be established in faith
and grow in the virtue of charity;
that we might be examples of love;
others, seeing our love and charity,
may be attracted
and come to know the Master better.
Intercede for our family
in time of trial
we may be united in love
and never forget
that He who allowed the trial
will also give His grace to conquer.
Fr. James L. Krusling
Prayer to St. Helen
Holy and blessed Saint Helen,
With the anguish and devotion with which
You sought the Cross of Christ,
plead that You give me God s grace
To suffer in patience and labours of this life,
So that through them and
through Your intercession
and protection,
I will be able to seek and carry the Cross,
Which God has placed upon me,
So that I can serve Him in this life
and enjoy
His Glory ever after.