St. Christopher
Canaan or Marmarica
251 A.D.
Asia Minor
Honored in:
Roman Catholic, Eastern Orothodox, Lutheran,
Oriental Orthodox and Anglican churches
Feast Day:
July 25 (Latin Church)
May 9 (Eastern Churches)
Saint of:
Bachelors, transportation, travel, storms, St. Kitts,
epilepsy, gardeners and toothaches.
The Motorist s Prayer
Grant me O Lord a steady hand and watchful eye.
That no one shall be hurt as I pass by.
gavest life, I pray no act of mine
May take away or mar that gift of Thine.
Shelter those, dear Lord, who bear me company,
From the evils
of fire and all calamity.
Teach me to use my car for others need;
Nor miss through love of undue speed
The beauty of the world; that
this I may
With joy and courtesy go on my way.
St. Christopher, holy patron of travelers,
Protect me and lead me safely to my destiny.
The Christopher Prayer
Father, grant that I may be a bearer of
Christ Jesus, Your son.
Allow me to warm the often cold,
scene of modern life
With Your burning love.
Strengthen me by Your Holy Spirit
To carry out my mission of changing the world
Or some definite
part of it for the better.
Despite my lamentable failures,
Bring home to me that my advantages
Are Your blessings to be shared
with others.
Make me more energetic in setting right
What I find wrong with the world
Instead of complaining about it.
Nourish in
me a practical desire to build up
Rather than tear down,
To reconcile instead of polarize,
To go out on a limb rather than crave security.
let me forget that it is far better
To light one candle than to curse the darkness,
And to join my light, one day, with Yours.