Saint Mark The Apostle
1 AD
Cyrene, Pentapolis, in North Africa
68 AD
Alexandria, Egypt
Honored In:
All Christian Churches
Feast Day:
May 8
Patron Saint of:
Captives and Attorneys
Prayer to St. Mark
O glorious St. Mark,
Through the grace of God our Father
You became a great Evangelist,
Preaching the Good
News of Christ.
May you help us to know Him well
So that we may faithfully live our lives
As followers of Christ.
Mark 11:22-24
So Jesus answered and said to them,
Have faith in God.
For assuredly, I say to you,
whoever says to this
Be removed and be cast into the sea,
and does not doubt in his heart,
but believes that those things
he says will be done,
will have whatever he says.
Therefore I say to you,
whatever things you ask when you pray,
believe that you receive them,
and you will
have them.