Take twelve whole months.
Clean them thoroughly of all bitterness,
hate, and jealousy.
Make them
just as fresh and clean as possible.
Now cut each month into twenty-eight, thirty, or
thirty-one different parts,
but don t make
up the whole batch at once.
Prepare it one day at a time out of these ingredients.
Mix well into each day
one part of faith, one
part of patience,
one part of courage, and one part of work.
Add to each day one part of hope,
faithfulness, generosity, and kindness.
with one part prayer, one part meditation,
and one good deed.
Season the whole with a dash of good spirits,
a sprinkle of fun, a pinch
of play,
and a cupful of good humor.
Pour all of this into a vessel of love.
Cook thoroughly over radiant joy,
garnish with a smile,
serve with quietness, unselfishness,
and cheerfulness.
You re bound to have a happy new year.
~ Author Unknown ~
At the sound of the tolling midnight bell
a brand new year will begin.
Let s raise our hopes in a confident
to the promise it ushers in.
May your battles be few, your pleasure many,
your wishes and dreams fulfilled.
May your confidence
stand in the face of loss
and give you the strength to rebuild.
May peace of heart fill all your days
may serenity grace your soul.
tranquil moments bless your life
and keep your spirit whole.
~ Author Unknown ~